- ability to identify with characters (empathy)
- believable
- known or continuing characters (from previous books)
- likeable characters
- strong characterisation
- page turner
- compelling - couldn't put it down
- fast-moving
- leisurely or gentle pace
- lots of action
- 'rip-roaring'
- simple story, easy to read
Background detail, mood, setting and tone
- authentic
- believable
- familiarity (location, culture etc.)
- funny/quirky
- gritty (realism)
- insightful (into another tome, culture etc)
- timeframe : contemporary, historical, futuristic
- well researched
- autobiographical
- plot- multi-layered, intricate, complicated, unpredictable
- familiarity with the subject
- entertaining, escapist, fun
- human interest, personal relationships
- romantic
- topical or contemporary
- satisfying conclusion
- suspenseful
- unconventional, unusual
Writing Style
- appealing
- 'beautifully crafted'
- humorous/witty/satirical
- plenty of descriptive detail
- 'well-written'
- factual or narrative
- action
- biographical
- crime/true crime
- fantasy
- historical fiction
- horror
- mystery and suspense
- romance
- science fiction
- supernatural
- thriller: legal, political etc
Why the reader chose the book
- award winner
- best seller
- catchy blurb
- familiarity ( with genre, series, author)
- liked the cover
- movie tie-in
- personal interest
- recommended or reviewed
What the reader felt about the book
- emotionally involved
- happy/sad
- challenged
- reassured
- learnt something new
- satisfied
A patron's appeal factors can change: they may enjoy different types of book at different times. Remember to ask if they are in the mood for something similar or something completely different.